Friedrich Klütsch
Friedrich Klütsch is born in 1957 in Cologne, Germany. He studies Documentary Film at the Bavarian State Academy for Television and Film in Munich. His diploma film ASYLUM receives the German Film Critics’ Award in 1984. As a freelance writer and director, he develops and carries out documentary projects for Public Television. He specializes in the field of dramatized documentaries and is involved in the major documentary series of German TV: 2000 Years of Christianity (ARD), The Germans (ZDF), History of the Orient (ZDF), Holy War (ZDF). He is the author of feature film scripts: RUNaWAY (ZDF), The Luther Tribunal (ZDF, 2017), INRI - The Trial against Jesus (ZDF, 2020). In 1999 he founded DEMAX GmbH and has been its managing director since then.

Joachim Puls
Joachim Puls was born in Essen in 1962. He works as an author, consultant and media producer. As a lecturer, he trains in the areas of media, journalism and video production. As a script consultant, he develops narrative strategies and advises authors and editors (including NDR) on the basis of the specially developed ’Analysis of Appreciation’. Since 2006 he has been increasingly involved in projects outside of television. Educational films are created in collaboration with the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin. The clients are various federal ministries in Germany (including BGM) and the European Association of Air Rescuers (EHAC). From 2005 to 2012, he is involved as a media partner of SOS Children’s Villages in setting up their moving image communications department. Numerous films are produced, for instance for the donation campaign "6 villages for 2006" on the occasion of the FIFA World Cup in Germany. The documentary "Like rain in the desert" about a medical self-sufficiency campaign in Africa receives the Prix Leonardo at the Festival Turin. The Bavarian Film Award goes to the series “2000 Years of Christianity”, which he co-produced. Joachim Puls is co-founder of the “CWL” foundation and a member of the German Association of Journalists (DJV), the European Documentary Network (EDN), and participant of the Discovery Campus. He has been a partner and team member of DEMAX GmbH since 2018.

Georg Popp
Georg Popp has been dealing with the Sultanate of Oman and its people on a professional as well as a personal level for almost 30 years. Through his friendship with Omani Juma Al-Maskari, which developed during their student time, he has gained deep insights into the culture and society of the Sultanate over the years. Since 1992, the Sultanate of Oman has been the focus of his professional life including works of art, publications, exhibitions, social and educational projects. In 1999, he founded ARABIA FELIX Synform GmbH to give his various activities a common roof. In 2012, Popp and his ARABIA FELIX Synform GmbH become partner of DEMAX GmbH. He publishes numerous articles and books about the Sultanate, including the first German-language travel guide about Oman. Since 2001 he has been producing various traveling exhibitions about culture and religion in Oman in collaboration with different ministries of the Sultanate. He advises journalists and film projects and works on coproduced documentaries on a wide variety of topics related to Oman. From 2001 to 2009 he is the Cultural Advisor of the German-Omani Society e.V. From 2009 to the end of 2018 he is General Secretary of this bilateral society.

Juma Al-Maskari

Michael Dickinson